Browse Items (49 total)
Have you a right to go to the marriage altar demanding honor and purity in the girl you marry, unless you are willing to offer her a clean life?
The thought of food when one is hungry causes a secretion to flow from the gastric glands of the stomach. Merely thinking how a lemon tastes will increase the flow of saliva. Sex thoghts cause the blood to flow to the sex organs and so produce…
A new experience comes into the lives of most boys when they become about 15, 16, or 17years old (like the boys above). Occasionally (about one to four times a month) a fluid from inside the body is discharged from the sex organ during sleep. This is…
The man who has contracted gonorrhea or syphilis may bring suffering upon the innocent. When he marries, and the baby comes, it may be defective.
Abraham Lincoln was prepared for the great service he rendered because he kept himself fit in body and mind.
All life is passed on from generation to generation by means of reproduction. It is reproduction that keeps alive the world of plants, of animals, and of men. A plant or animal that does not reproduce itself becomes extinct. If wheat and similar…
Can you walk 20 miles in a day? Can you work an 8-hour day in the field? Can you "chin yourself" 8 times? Can you run 100 yards in 12 seconds?
1. Drink water freely on arising. 2. Be sure that your bowels move at least once each day. 3. Make it a habit to sit on the stool the same hour each day. 4. Eat laxative foods, such as fruits, fresh vegetables, and coarse breads. 5. In general, avoid…
How to Bathe. 1. Warm water and soap 3 minutes. 2. Cold water about 1/2 minute. 3. Rub down with coarse towel 4 minutes. A pleasant reaction, a sensation of warmth and a feeling of general well-being should always follow the bath. Daily bathing,…
Your mother has been unselfish and devoted to you. Will you be worthy of her? The chivalrous youth protects the honor of all women and girls.
Although man and many other animals reproduce their kind in much the same way, man differs from other animals in the way he treats his offspring. The human father and mother form a union called the family, and patiently rear their children through…
These boys are blind because their mothers had gonorrhea, in most cases contracted from the father. Most of the blindness in children is due to gonorrhea.
The youth who achieves self-control can go joyfully and clean into marriage with the one girl he is willing to wait for, and become a husband and father without the danger of causing suffering to wife and child.
If some "wise guy" tells you that sexual intercourse is not dangerous, the facts are: A girl who would yield to one man has probably had relations with another. Very likely she is diseased. Most prostitutes (private or public) have either syphilis or…
Seminal emissions at night are natural. Most healthy older boys have them. Unless emissions occur very frequently no attention need be given to them.
1. Eat fresh vegetables, cereals, bread and butter, eggs, fruit and a little meat or fish. 2. Eat slowly and thoroughly masticate (chew) your food. 3. Use judgment in amount and choice of foods. 4. Drink 6 to 10 glasses of water a day. Do not drink…
Exercise before an open window. Follow with a sponge bath or a shower and a brisk rub with a coarse towel.
Chopping wood, gardening, mowing lawn, shoveling snow, are a few good home exercises.
Gonorrhea may cause stricture, bladder disease, rheumatism, heart disease, sterility and other diseases. If the germs of gonorrhea get into the body, they may remain in the deeper parts and, long after an apparent cure, cause a return of the disease.…
Syphilis may affect any part of the body, including the brain and heart. It often causes paralysis, softening of the brain and death. Syphilis may be cured if treatment is begun early enough and continued long enough.
Hiking, Tennis, Swimming, Volley Ball, Baseball, Skating, Soccer, Foot Ball are among the most enjoyable sports
This girl may become an invalid for life if she marries a man who has had gonorrhea not entirely cured. Gonorrhea causes: 1. Many surgical operations upon women; 2. Much invalidism among innocent wives; 3. Many childless marriages.
Every child has the right to be well born. Will you give your children healthy bodies and a fair start in life?
Such glands as the thyroid in the neck and the sex glands -- ovaries -- in the pelvis secrete substances which go into the blood. These glands contribute greatly to physical and mental development.
The Athlete Trains for a Game or Season. To Keep Fit, a man must observe the proper training rules ALL the TIME.
The human baby also develops within the body of the mother. The ovum, or egg cell, within the mother is fertilized by the male cell, or sperm, which comes from the father. The fertilized egg cell develops within the body of the mother for about nine…
"Ads" in newspapers, booklets and tin signs are put out by "quacks" to get money from ignorant boys and men. Patent medicines and quick cures for syphilis and gonorrhea generally do more harm than good. Don't let "quack" companies scare you by their…
A man may transmit syphilis to his children. His children's children may pay the penalty of his mistake.
Keep your mind occupied with good books. Some good ones are: Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson; Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain; The Virginian, by Owen Wister; The Crisis, by Winston Churchill; The Making of an American, by Jacob A. Riis; The Last…
Published by the United States Public Health Service, Washington, DC, in Cooperation with the American Social Hygiene Association, 370 Seventh Avenue, New York City
An aviator must have a sound body, a clear mind, and steady nerve; his control of the machine depends first upon his self-control.
1. Athletics. 2. Abundant outdoor life. 3. Wholesome companions. 4. Lots of good fun. 5. Constant employment. 6. Will power will help a boy break the habit called "self-abuse" (in case he has acquired the habit) and recover from any harm it may have…
Somewhere the girl who may become your wife is keeping pure. Will you take to her a life equally clean?
A chick can hatch only from an egg that has been fertilized inside the hen's body by the male cell, or sperm, from the rooster. The fertilized egg, when placed under the body of a hen, hatches into a chick within twenty-one days.
The parts of the flower are the sex organs of the plant.
In mammals (the rabbit, cow, horse, and man) the young grow from an egg while it is still inside the mother's body, instead of outside as in the chick. This egg (called the ovum) is fertilized by the sperm (male cell) from the male animal. As the egg…
The mother salmon after making a "nest" in the bed of a stream lays many eggs. The male salmon spreads milt, containing male cells, over the eggs. The male cells "fertilize" the eggs. Then very slowly they develop into young salmon.
Robert Falcon Scott, England's South Pole hero. With brave companions he struggled thru snow, ice, and storm 923 miles to the pole.
Men who fail to develop self-control sometimes yield to sex temptation to indulge in sexual intercourse with immoral girls and become infected with a venereal (sex) disease. The chief venereal diseases are syphilis (pox) and gonorrhea (clap).
Sexual intercourse is not necessary to preserve health and manly vigor. The natural sexual impulse can be kept under control by avoiding associations, conversations, and thoughts of a lewd character. (Manual of Military Training, by Moss)
Air is the first necessity of life. Always practice deep breathing. Sleep with your windows open, or better, sleep out of doors. Turn in at a regular hour. Men need 8 or more hours sleep; boys need 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 hours.
Sit, walk and stand properly. Correct posture is attractive. It stands for self-respect and self-confidence. It aids digestion. Keep the neck pressed back against the collar.
The sex instinct in a boy or man makes him want to act, dare, possess, strive. When controlled and directed, it gives ENERGY, ENDURANCE, FITNESS.
A spirited horse is a great prize. It is a joy to ride him to feel his strength and boundless energy underone's control. The sex instinct, when directed, is the source of power and of a richer, fuller life.
Sickly and frail when a boy, Roosevelt by faithful training achieved the vigor of manhood.
Keep fit for athletics, study, business, and all of life's tasks by adopting these rules: 1. Exercise and play wisely. 2. Eat wholesome food. 3. Get all the fresh air possible. 4. Get sufficient sleep. 5. Keep clean
Treat every girl as you would like to have another man or boy treat your sister, girl friend, or sweetheart.
The man or boy absorbed in constructive and interesting work and thoughts has no time to bother with smutty stories.
1. Muscular Strength. 2. Endurance. 3. Energy. 4. Will Power. 5. Courage. 6. Self-Control.
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