Tsunami by Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar interior, book folded in accordion style, text is seen on the right and images are on the left


Dublin Core


Tsunami by Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar interior, book folded in accordion style, text is seen on the right and images are on the left


Photograph of unfolded interior of Tsunami, Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar, Thiruvanmiyur, India: Tara Books, 2011. Photo shows several unfolded pages of the book, designed in the style of a traditional Patua scroll. The book is defined by a continuous illustration down the middle of the pages, with text on alternating sides of the illustration. Book is lain on an ice-white background, with the picture in a soft white frame.


“Tsunami by Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar interior, book folded in accordion style, text is seen on the right and images are on the left,” Gallery, accessed September 13, 2024, https://gallerytemp.reclaim.hosting/items/show/4807.