Tsunami by Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar cover, several people gathered around a body of water done in traditional Patua art


Dublin Core


Tsunami by Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar cover, several people gathered around a body of water done in traditional Patua art


Photographic scan of cover of Tsunami, Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar, Thiruvanmiyur, India: Tara Books, 2011. The long, rectangular cover features large orange serif type, all capitals, and small black serif type for the creators’ information on a blue background with thin white wave lines. The title box is lined in multiple decorative borders, including a border of faces and another larger border of flowers and leaves, all done in the traditional manner of Patua art.


“Tsunami by Joydeb and Moyna Chitrakar cover, several people gathered around a body of water done in traditional Patua art,” Gallery, accessed September 13, 2024, https://gallerytemp.reclaim.hosting/items/show/4809.