Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by DeLoss McGraw cover, Alice is in the midst of falling headfirst through a dark disc (the rabbit hole)

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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by DeLoss McGraw cover, Alice is in the midst of falling headfirst through a dark disc (the rabbit hole)


Photographic scan of cover of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, illustrated by DeLoss McGraw, New York: HarperCollins, 2001. Cover is purple with decorative yellow type for the title in the top-right corner. Illustration depicts Alice in the midst of falling headfirst through a dark disc (the rabbit hole).


“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by DeLoss McGraw cover, Alice is in the midst of falling headfirst through a dark disc (the rabbit hole),” Gallery, accessed September 13, 2024,