Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Anthony Browne cover, Alice is falling down past a wall of hats and assorted items
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Anthony Browne cover, Alice is falling down past a wall of hats and assorted items
Photographic scan of cover of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, illustrated by Anthony Browne, New York: Knopf, 1988. Cover depicts a centered illustration panel on a pale blue background. The illustration panel depicts Alice falling past a wall filled with hats, statuettes, tea cups, and other assorted items. The title and illustrator name is set on a checkered yellow textbox, with the word “Alice’s” set in a large cursive type and additional text in smaller serif type, all capitalized.
“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Anthony Browne cover, Alice is falling down past a wall of hats and assorted items,” Gallery, accessed September 13, 2024,