Women's Athletic Association Article Scrapbook (Newspaper Clippings), 1932-1941


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Women's Athletic Association Article Scrapbook (Newspaper Clippings), 1932-1941


Pages primarily include articles clipped from The Minnesota Daily student newspaper with some clippings from other local newspapers interspersed (Minneapolis Star Journal; Tribune). Clippings are arranged chronologically by term of the academic year.

Search for the article title in The Minnesota Daily Student Newspaper collection in the University Digital Conservancy or navigate to the issue date for accurate citations.

Additional items affixed to pages - programs, invitations, tickets, photographs - are denoted below.
  • Black and white print photograph of a person jumping over a hurdle set up in the lawn in front of Norris Gymnasium. The Astronomical Observatory building, located behind Norris Gym along East River Road, is in the background (PDF pg. 10)
  • Orchesis Creative Dance Recital program, March 13, 1935 (PDF pgs. 19, 20)
  • Athletic Federation of College Women North Central Sectional Conference program, University of Chicago, March 1935 (PDF pgs. 21, 22, 23)
  • The Aquatic League program, “A Political Stew,” March 16, 1935 (PDF pgs. 24, 25)
  • All-University Amateur Horseshow program flier (PDF pgs. 27, 28, 29)
  • University of Minnesota Ice Carnival program, February 29, 1936 (PDF pg. 31)
  • Orchesis Dance Recital program and ticket, April 23, 1936 (PDF pgs. 34, 35, 36)
  • Orchesis Honorary Dance Society program, 1938 (PDF pgs. 42, 43, 44)
  • “Back to the Gay Nineties” WAA Spring Banquet invitation [cutout silhouette figure] with handwritten program and menu (PDF pgs. 45, 46)
  • Article clippings from the “Sanford Scribe” newsletter of the residents of Sanford Hall (women’s dormitory) (PDF pgs. 60, 61)
  • “Off to Sea” Aquatic League program, April 13, 1940 (PDF pgs. 76, 77


Women's Athletic Association (WAA)


Women's Athletic Association Article Scrapbook (Newspaper Clippings), 1932-1941, Box 4, Women's Athletic Association records, ua00816, University Archives, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities


University of Minnesota




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Women's Athletic Association (WAA), “Women's Athletic Association Article Scrapbook (Newspaper Clippings), 1932-1941,” Gallery, accessed September 8, 2024, https://gallerytemp.reclaim.hosting/items/show/6192.

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