A Challenge - An Answer


Burton Paulu, Manager of KUOM

This is the story of a challenge and radio’s answer.

The challenge came in the summer of 1946 when Minnesota was beset by the worst polio epidemic in its history. Public events were canceled, public places, and later, schools were closed; children’s protection demanded that they be kept home. How could radio - specifically, KUOM - help?

The answer came in the form of two special series of programs KUOM developed to meet the emergency; “KUOM for Kids” and “School by Air.” It is an answer of which KUOM is proud; for it constituted not only a significant educational and public service project, but also a not-often-equaled example of cooperation between an educational radio station and the community it serves. 

The seed that gave birth to “KUOM for Kids” and “School by Air,” their lusty growth, and their gratifying achievements are described in the following pages. 

Burton PauluManager, KUOM

Editor's Note: "In The Public Interest" provides "An Account of Community Service Rendered In A Statewide Emergency" by University of Minnesota Radio Station KUOM during the 1946 polio epidemic in Minnesota.  The brochure was published in 1947 and was distributed to University of Minnesota constituents and members of the broadcasting profession. Text from pages of the brochure appear in this exhibit as written by KUOM Manager Burton Paulu.

A Challenge - An Answer