Browse Exhibits (3 total)
In The Public Interest
An Account of Community Service Rendered In a Statewide Emergency by Station KUOM - By Burton Paulu, Manager, University of Minnesota Radio Station, KUOM
Memorial Stadium 1924-1992
With this interactive digital archive, the University of Minnesota honors the history of Memorial Stadium. In 2008 while watching enthusiasm grow as TCF Bank Stadium came to life an inspired group of University Libraries staff explored how the rich archival resources and the digital technology expertise of the Libraries could be channeled to capture and share the history of Memorial Stadium.
Open Heart: Intracardiac Surgery at the University of Minnesota
Open heart, or intracardiac, surgery became a research priority at the University of Minnesota in the late 1940s. Through the availability of state and national funding for medical research, increased awareness of heart disease, and an environment of collaboration and committed inquiry within the Department of Surgery, doctors at the University of Minnesota were able to perform the world’s first open heart surgery in a dry field under direct vision on September 2, 1952.