Interview with Evie Herrin

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Evie Herrin Transcription.pdf

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Interview with Evie Herrin

Evie Herrin, a formerly enslaved woman, gives an account of her mother’s escape attempt and capture.

“My mother wasn’t born in slavery. We never understood how that came about. She came from North Carolina and she told me many times she was free before she came to Mississippi. My mother was smart and [after] that old miss took her for a house servant. One day she got mad about something what happened at the big house so she runned off when she couldn’t be found they hunted her with dogs.”

The original interview transcripts are on fragile notebook paper. A copy is displayed here.

Evie Herrin interviewed by Carrie Campbell


Federal Writers’ Project Narratives by Formerly Enslaved Peoples Collection

Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature

University of Minnesota Libraries

Resistance & Activism
Interview with Evie Herrin